A good field of twelve came along in the warm sunshine to the last ten of the season.

It would have been a perfect evening for it, but for the rather brisk westerly.

Still, we can’t complain, when you consider the patchy summer weather we’ve had this year; it was a nice night for it.

Neil put in a great sub 24 to win it, especially impressive considering the aforementioned wind – the brutal CX race at the weekend was good prep I reckon – well done!

An excellent ride by Joe gave him first place in the road bike category and not that far behind, on his road bike, was Oisin (age 11) coping with the headwind to come home in 31:30, well done!

As always, sincere thanks to the marshals, timekeeper and support team, you are all much appreciated

Neil Shepherd 23:58
Ross Ketteridge 24:14
Joe Agnew 25:11 (RB)
Andrew Howett 25:22
Jeremy Weston 25:40
Julian Howell 26:38 (RB)
Richard Moore 26:54 (RB)
Tim Shimwell 27:09
Russell Carson 27:22
Craig Forsyth 27:23
Grace Inglis 27:32 (RB)

Oisin Beard 31:30 (RB)