Thank you to everyone who came to round 2 of the Brass Monkey Series road bike TT this morning. 17 riders lined up (although only 16 bikes!), a great turnout for a February event! Thanks especially to Lucy, Bill, David and Andrew, our volunteer support team.

The weather was very kind, being straight after the recent procession of storms Brendan, Ciara and Dennis and possibly just before Ellen gets here! The icey westerly still made for a brutal return leg back to Maxton, but compared to the whole of the last fortnight it was a mere breeze. The sun even shone for most of it, so thanks to the weather Gods for gifting us this wee window, seriously.

Well done Neil “I eat wind for breakfast” Shepherd, logging an impressive 28:13 on a road bike in pretty challenging conditions and to Arran and Graeme with great times close behind. Excellent ride Jamie, too! Congratulations to my pal Scott, racing in a TT for the first time ever. There’s your PB to beat, mate!

Tim and Joe raced a great 10 on their old classic Gitane tandem although I think Joe “stoker” Agnew may have uttered the words “never again”, I’m not sure! 🤣


Times as follows:

Neil Shepherd 28:13
Arran Gannicott 28:39
Tim Shimwell and stoker Joe Agnew 28:52
Graeme Lawrie 29:24
Jamie McGowan 29:26
Martin Neil Smith 31:15
Allan Dawson 31:18
Neil Shannon 31:38
Ross Ketteridge 31:50
Jeremy Weston 32:06
Tony Westbury 32:08
Richard Minnikin 32:16
Russell Carson 33:45
Julia Grierson 34:40
Gordon Dalglish 37:41
Scott Clifford 38:43

What a great start to the year, perhaps spoilt only by the detail that I forgot to bring milk for the teas and coffees (oops, sorry!).

Thanks again and hope to see you at the first 5 mile TT in late March
