Everest used to be climbed with crampons and oxygen.
All you need now is a local killer hill, a bike and a decent set of lungs and legs.
And vast amounts of willpower and determination.
Lindean is a serious climb – its ever-varying gradient means you can’t get into a rhythm.
Even if you climb it once, it’s a tough challenge.
Hard work for body and mind.
Imagine riding up it 47 times in succession?
That’s what our very own Andy Painting did last week.
Starting at 1.30am, he set off and, after sticking to the task, had, 15 hours of riding later, climbed well over 29,000ft and covered 158 miles.
An astonishing achievement not just physically but, moreso I’m sure, mentally.
Obviously quite mad but absolutely brilliant at the same time!
Congratulations Andy and la grande chapeau! Also big kudos to his support team!