Wednesday saw a number of brave individuals bracing themselves against the monsoonlike elements on the occasion of the penultimate Torwoodlee 25.
And these were the marshals, for which we are especially and eternally grateful!
A similar number of riders also got a soaking and deserve congratulations for enduring the unpleasant experience like the true masochists they are!
Neil Shepherd not only endured but conquered, with a raintastic 57:46.
Well done everyone!
Next week is the last 10 of the season, at Maxton.
Times are as follows:
Neil Shepherd 0:57:46 |
Jeremy Weston 1:06:00 |
Martin Smith 1:06:07 |
Tony Wedtbury 1:10:32 |
Jane Dennyson 1:13:17 (Road Bike) |