Wednesday 13th July, Bridgehaugh 10TT, what a fantastic race that was!
A course PB for the win, Joe, superb ride!
Only four seconds separating the next three riders, well done and great racing, guys!
And the remaining four riders had a fabulous race too with only twenty two seconds separating them all!
Thanks again to the marshals and timekeeper for turning up again and making it happen for another small field of only eight riders. Your voluntary attendance is very much appreciated.
0:21:38 | Joe Agnew |
0:22:38 | Jack Moore |
0:22:42 | Duncan MacLeod |
0:22:42 | Neil Shepherd |
0:25:32 | Andrew Howett |
0:25:33 | Martin Neil Smith |
0:25:51 | Steve Lowes |
0:25:54 | Andrea Pogson |